Alice House is the key to opportunity and a new beginning.

We provide safe second-stage housing and supportive counselling for women and children in Nova Scotia.



Our programs support women and children in their recovery from intimate partner violence. All counselling is woman-centred and focused on the immediate holistic needs of each family.

Recent News

I am a mother.

This year, I am navigating motherhood differently as a newly single parent, but I am not alone thanks to the support and safe-housing provided to me through Alice House. 

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Featured Success Story

“Draw on your inner resources and find who you are”

At Alice House, we take pride in witnessing the transformative healing journeys of women and children who have been exposed to intimate partner violence. In this post, we are sharing the achievements of Sara, a former resident who defied multiple barriers to rebuild her family's life. Sara's story is a testament to her unwavering resilience in the face of adversity.

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